
Keto Capsules for Weight Loss

Keto GenX - keto dietary supplement for fat loss

Keto GenX – keto dietary supplement for weight loss and fat loss.

Effectiveness 9.9/10
Ingredients 9.9/10
Ease-of-use 9.8/10

Detailed review - Keto GenX

I have heard about Keto GenX from my friend, who is an expert on keto diets, and keto products for weight loss and fat loss. He told me that Keto GenX is a 30-day ketosis dietary supplement designed to help you burn fat more efficiently without requiring you to follow a rigorous diet or workout routine, which sounded interesting and I wanted to try this product. The Keto GenX product is manufactured in the shape of capsules, which simplifies and effectively burns unnecessary fat from the body by burning fat rather than carbs. 

The Keto GenX supplement formula works similarly to all other keto products as induces a state of ketosis, which prevents additional fat storage and keeps you energized and active throughout the day. I have tried using Keto GenX for couple of days at first to see if there are any effects – I felt more energized and did not feel hunger that much while using the product. Also, after 15 days of use of the product, I’ve seen that I’ve lost couple of kilograms, but also couple of centimeters in waist and legs – which means that Keto GenX works over time if you follow its instructions of taking one pill a day for 30 days. 

Advantages of Keto GenX

  • Optimizes fat loss
  • Improves metabolic rate
  • Makes you feel full during the day

Disadvantages of Keto GenX

  • Can induce a yo-yo effect if not properly used
  • Requires more hydration

Keto GenX composition


Beta-Hydroxybutyrate ketones

Beta-hydroxybutyrate, often known as beta-hydroxybutyric acid or BHB, is one of the body’s three “physiological” ketones (specifically, in our liver). Ketone bodies function in a variety of ways, including as a source of fuel for organs, transcriptional signals, and metabolic regulators. BHB accounts for around 80% of the total circulating ketones in human blood. Acetoacetate and acetone account for the remaining 20% and 1%, respectively. Thus, BHB is the ketone found in the highest concentrations throughout the circulatory system—perhaps even the entire body.

Technical details - design and packaging of Keto GenX

Keto GenX comes in a cardboard, round box that is 100% biodegradable and the labels are made of paper – which means that the product does not pollute the environment if it is properly disposed of. This product design is suitable for storing your capsules, which are additionally packed inside the packaging. You also get instructions for using the tea and the composition of the capsules.


Package Quantity


Serving Size


Servings Per Container


Daily Value


Conclusion about Keto GenX

"I've used Keto GenX before, but switched to other keto products for some time.. however, I switched back to Keto GenX again, as it turns out, this product actually provided me more benefits than any other keto product!"

The Keto GenX product was created to help you achieve ketosis more quickly without resorting to any diet or exercise. This is accomplished by incorporating BHB ketones into the recipe, which can activate the fat-burning action. Additionally, the supplement improves metabolism and accelerates fat burning with the use of the easy Keto GenX pills. Additionally, it crosses the blood-brain barrier, stimulating normal brain function and improving cognition. You can attain your weight loss goals more quickly and successfully.